individuality, a definite hand print as to what store you are walking into.? I can appreciate the product if I could just get past the homaganization of the actual decor. On union square there are at least four stores that if they stood one next to the other, you would have to look for logos to know where you are standing,? And the fact the the staff in these places wear uniforms( brown is aparently the new black) does not help.get a sense of who ... designer is?
There was a time when style minded individuals shopped in places that were like clubs, fraternities and soroities, and in San Francisco, they spoke to the regional market and still managed to introduce your favorite or soon to be favorite labels and designers.
When I used to visit fashion stores, I would truly be inspired to dress well and to get to know what made each store special because they all had definite personalities
Admititedly the stores I am speaking of were not owned by corporations, but started by families or through partnerships and they had multipal locations throughout the area, each one like your uncles or aunts.
The first time I walked into the John Varvatos store on geary st. I got such a stong sense of indviduality, I was able to invision the Varvatos ashtetic.veiwing the rock and roll photos, the exposed brickwalls and how the natural lighting steaming? from the outside onto the wood floors and the wonderful staircase.

forms that donned the clothes standing at attention stratigically placed in this modern vintage, american designer clubhouse.
I see the watches and the sunglasses, ooh! I check out the the clothes hung on floor standing pipes and I feel the fabric, aah! look at that canvas weekend bag, new but kinda used looking, love bags! shoes and songs and yes I'll have a beer and I'll try on this cashmere and the jack purcells with no laces. This place speaks and I like what it's sayin. No uniforms here just a staff who enjoys wearing what they promote inviting us?into their club and helping to select your indvidual club attire, seeing them you can say I'd rock that! and shopping in a place such as this, what a conversation.